List of Fruits Name in Hindi with Pictures | फ्रूट्स नेम

Fruits are a vital part of a healthy diet, offering a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. In India, fruits are enjoyed in many forms—fresh, dried, juiced, or even cooked in traditional dishes. Knowing the Fruits Name in Hindi is not only practical for shopping at local markets or reading recipes but also a great way to connect with the diverse food culture of India.

From the sweetness of mangoes to the tang of citrus fruits, each fruit offers a unique experience. Whether you’re a traveler exploring India, a language learner expanding your Hindi vocabulary, or a parent teaching your children, learning the Fruits Name in Hindi can be both fun and educational.

All Fruits Name in Hindi with Pictures

Fruit Name in EnglishFruit Name in HindiFruits Picture/Images
Zucchini (तोरी)तोरी (Tori)Zucchini
Tomato (टमाटर)टमाटर (Tamatar)Tomato
Jalapeño (जलापेनो)जलपीनो (Jalapeño)Jalapeño
Bell Pepper (शिमला मिर्च)शिमला मिर्च (Shimla Mirch)Bell pepper
Pea (मटर)मटर (Matar)Pea
Olive (जैतून)जैतून (Jaitoon)Olive
Mango (आम)आम (Aam)Mango
Kiwi (कीवी)कीवी (Kiwi)Kiwifruit
Jackfruit (कटहल)कटहल (Kathal)Jackfruit
Huckleberry (हकलबेरी)हकलबेरी (Huckleberi)Huckleberry
Goji Berry (गोजी बेरी)गोजी बेरी (Goji Berry)Goji berry
Gac (गक)गक (Gak)Gac
Fig (अंजीर)अंजीर (Anjeer)Fig
Cloudberry (क्लाउडबेरी)क्लाउडबेरी (Cloudberi)Cloudberry
Black Sapote (काला सपोटे)काला सपोटे (Kala Sapote)Black sapote
Blackcurrant (काला करंट)काला करंट (Kala Karant)Blackcurrant
Durian (ड्यूरियन)ड्यूरियन (Durian)Durian
Elderberry (एल्डरबेरी)एल्डरबेरी (Elderberi)Elderberry
Feijoa (फेजोआ)फेजोआ (Feijoa)Feijoa
Cranberry (क्रैनबेरी)क्रैनबेरी (Cranberi)Cranberry
Quince (श्रीफल)श्रीफल (Shrifal)Quince
Pineberry (पाइनबेरी)पाइनबेरी (Pineberry)Pineberry
Star Apple (सितारा सेब)सितारा सेब (Sitara Seb)Star apple
Sugar Apple (शुगर एप्पल)शुगर एप्पल (Sugar Apple)Sugar apple
Soursop (हनुमान फल)हनुमान फल (Hanuman Phal)Soursop
Jambul (जामुन)जामुन (Jamun)Jambul
Rose Apple (गुलाब सेब)गुलाब सेब (Gulab Seb)Rose apple
Passionfruit (कृष्णा फल)कृष्णा फल (Krishna Phal)Passionfruit
Tangerine (टेंजेरीन)टेंजेरीन (Tangerine)Tangerine
Clementine (क्लीमेंटाइन)क्लीमेंटाइन (Clementine)Clementine
Tamarind (इमली)इमली (Imli)Tamarind
Sapodilla (चीकू)चीकू (Chiku)Sapodilla
Starfruit (सितारा फल)सितारा फल (Sitara Phal)Star fruit
Persimmon (तेंदू)तेंदू (Tendu)Persimmon
Prune (सूखा आलू बुखारा)सूखा आलू बुखारा (Sukha Aloo Bukhara)Prune (dried plum)
Plum (आलू बुखारा)आलू बुखारा (Aloo Bukhara)Plum
Mulberry (शहतूत)शहतूत (Shahtoot)Mulberry
Redcurrant (लाल करंट)लाल करंट (Lal Karant)Redcurrant
Muskmelon (खरबूजा)खरबूजा (Kharbuja)Muskmelon
Honeydew (हनीड्यू)हनीड्यू (Honeydew)Honeydew
Cantaloupe (खरबूजा)खरबूजा (Kharbuja)Cantaloupe
Watermelon (तरबूज)तरबूज (Tarbooj)Watermelon
Strawberry (स्ट्रॉबेरी)स्ट्रॉबेरी (Strawberi)Strawberry
Raspberry (रसभरी)रसभरी (Rasbhari)Raspberry
Pomegranate (अनार)अनार (Anaar)Pomegranate
Pineapple (अनानास)अनानास (Ananas)Pineapple
Pear (नाशपाती)नाशपाती (Nashpati)Pear
Peach (आड़ू)आड़ू (Aadoo)Peach
Papaya (पपीता)पपीता (Papita)Papaya
Orange (संतरा)संतरा (Santra)Orange
Mango (आम)आम (Aam)Mango
Lychee (लीची)लीची (Litchi)Lychee
Lemon (नींबू)नींबू (Nimbu)Lemon
Kiwi (कीवी)कीवी (Kiwi)Kiwifruit
Jackfruit (कटहल)कटहल (Kathal)Jackfruit
Guava (अमरूद)अमरूद (Amrood)Guava
Grapes (अंगूर)अंगूर (Angoor)Grape
Gooseberry (आंवला)आंवला (Amla)Gooseberry
Fig (अंजीर)अंजीर (Anjeer)Fig
Dragonfruit (ड्रैगन फ्रूट)ड्रैगन फ्रूट (Dragonfruit)Dragon fruit (or Pitaya)
Dates (खजूर)खजूर (Khajoor)Date
Custard Apple (सीताफल)सीताफल (Sitaphal)Cherimoya (Custard Apple)
Coconut (नारियल)नारियल (Nariyal)Coconut
Cherry (चेरी)चेरी (Cherry)Cherry
Blueberry (नीलबदरी)नीलबदरी (Neelbadri)Blueberry
Blackberry (ब्लैकबेरी)जामुन (Jamun)Blackberry
Banana (केला)केला (Kela)Banana
Avocado (एवोकाडो)एवोकाडो (Avocado)Avocado
Apricot (खूबानी)खूबानी (Khubani)Apricot
Apple (एप्पल)सेब (Seb)Apple
Almond (आलमंड)बादाम (Badaam)Almond

India is home to a variety of fruits, thanks to its diverse climate that allows the cultivation of tropical, subtropical, and temperate fruits. While some fruits like bananas, apples, and oranges are common globally, others such as jackfruit, lychee, and custard apple are unique to tropical regions like India. Familiarizing yourself with these fruit names will enhance your understanding of local food culture and make your culinary experiences more enriching.

The following list covers a wide range of popular and exotic fruits, providing their Fruits Name in Hindi along with Roman English transliterations to help with pronunciation. Adding pictures of each fruit can further enhance your learning experience and help you easily recognize them.

Common Fruits and Their Hindi Names

Fruits like apples, bananas, and mangoes are enjoyed globally. Their Hindi names are widely used in India, making them a helpful addition to your vocabulary.

  1. Apple – सेब (Seb)
  2. Banana – केला (Kela)
  3. Mango – आम (Aam)
  4. Orange – संतरा (Santra)
  5. Pineapple – अनानास (Ananas)
  6. Guava – अमरूद (Amrood)
  7. Papaya – पपीता (Papita)
  8. Grapes – अंगूर (Angoor)
  9. Watermelon – तरबूज (Tarbooj)
  10. Pomegranate – अनार (Anaar)

Citrus Fruits and Their Hindi Names

Citrus fruits are packed with Vitamin C and bring a refreshing burst of flavor to any meal. Some of the commonly known citrus fruits in Hindi include:

  1. Lemon – नींबू (Nimbu)
  2. Lime – नींबू (Nimbu)
  3. Grapefruit – चकोतरा (Chakotra)
  4. Tangerine – टेंजेरीन (Tangerine)
  5. Clementine – क्लीमेंटाइन (Clementine)

Berries and Their Hindi Names

Berries are rich in antioxidants and often used in a variety of dishes. Although not native to India, berries have become increasingly popular. Here are a few berry names in Hindi:

  1. Blueberry – नीलबदरी (Neelbadri)
  2. Raspberry – रसभरी (Rasbhari)
  3. Strawberry – स्ट्रॉबेरी (Strawberi)
  4. Blackberry – जामुन (Jamun)
  5. Gooseberry – आंवला (Amla)

Exotic Fruits in Hindi

Tropical fruits are a staple in many Indian households. Their unique flavors make them stand out, and they come with their own set of health benefits. Some exotic fruits and their Hindi names are:

  1. Dragonfruit – ड्रैगन फ्रूट (Dragon Fruit)
  2. Avocado – एवोकाडो (Avocado)
  3. Lychee – लीची (Litchi)
  4. Durian – ड्यूरियन (Durian)
  5. Rambutan – रामबूटान (Rambutan)

Stone Fruits and Their Hindi Names

Stone fruits are sweet, juicy, and known for their fleshy texture surrounding a large pit. Here are some of the most popular stone fruits:

  1. Peach – आड़ू (Aadoo)
  2. Plum – आलू बुखारा (Aloo Bukhara)
  3. Cherry – चेरी (Cherry)
  4. Apricot – खूबानी (Khubani)
  5. Nectarine – अमृतफल (Amritphal)

Tropical Fruits and Their Hindi Names

India’s climate makes it ideal for growing tropical fruits. They are enjoyed fresh, juiced, or even dried and used in various recipes. Here are some popular tropical fruits:

  1. Jackfruit – कटहल (Kathal)
  2. Coconut – नारियल (Nariyal)
  3. Banana – केला (Kela)
  4. Mango – आम (Aam)
  5. Papaya – पपीता (Papita)


Fruits are an essential part of our lives, not just for their nutritional benefits but also for the flavors they add to our meals. Knowing the Hindi names of common fruits can be a great way to connect with Indian culture and make everyday conversations or market visits more engaging. Whether it’s a familiar apple or an exotic dragonfruit, understanding their Hindi names deepens your appreciation for them.

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